Home > Occasionally, you can outearn your stupidity - September results

Occasionally, you can outearn your stupidity - September results

October 2nd, 2012 at 02:43 pm

This month was crazy:

Miscellaneous – allocated $100, spent $460 – (iphone $360, cleaning lady $100)

Eating out – allocated $350, spent $701, this month it was hard to get to the grocery store

Baby – big overspending is this category – allocated $300, spent $717 (big Thomas and Friends railway table and set, storage bench, baby bookshelf, some colder weather clothing, books and toys.

DH personal money overspent by $83 – kindle, itunes and something else

Clothing. – Allocated 100, spent 476 (but since I got $200 gift to use however I like, I consider only $176 overspend

Household – allocated 150, spend 275 – I got a lamp and a meat grinder attachment.

Gifts – allocated 200, spend $430 – we gave $300 to my MIL to help with the data plan (we gifted her our old iphone, and since she was not be getting a data plan if not for this gift, we decided it would be a nice thing to do). I’m not counting the resale value of the phone (about $280) toward the gift. $100 for a wedding gift – my husband attended alone that's why so cheap, and $30 in tips to doormen in our building.

Household supplies – allocated 100, spent 211, I don’t remember what happened here.

Groceries and lunches at work came just under $900. (due to eating out a lot)

With few other things here and there, the total overspend is……… a whooping $1,865 Frown

However, there was some extra income:
Birthday gift $200
Travel money $970
Apple option, FB stock and P stock speculation profit (realized) $558 (we made $873, but we owe taxes on that, so after 36% tax it will be about 558)
Overtime money, taxed already, $864

Total after-tax extra income: $2,592

So after all said and done, we are still $727 ahead.

However, next month will be tough – no travel (max 2 days and that is it), DHs overtime opportunity ended, and my AAPL stock options are looking extremely risky right now. It is likely we will loose money. And we have my moms and LOs birthdays coming up. And our 5 year anniversary. But we must do better and stay within our budget.

1 Responses to “Occasionally, you can outearn your stupidity - September results”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:


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