Home > After an over-indulget month on a health kick

After an over-indulget month on a health kick

February 4th, 2013 at 06:43 pm

We overspend by close to $1800 last month, that's with 1345 of snowflakes factored in. That's not considering an AAPL stock option wich looks like we will loose most of the money on this month. Plus, I've gained weight during my vacation. I had no idea how many calories are in cocktails. You have 3 of those a night and you are in trouble. Plus desserts.

So I am now on a health kick. Moderate spending and working out at least every other day (not easy with a full time job and a 2 year old).

But, in the last 6 days I worked out 4 times ($40 to my personal fund), and ate mostly healthy. I had a nice juciy burger yesterday, but I also run 4 miles and my other meals were healthy. And we ground our own meat for the burger, so I know exactly what and how much I am eating.

However, I'm going out after work tonight with some classmates from my study trip to China this summer. So it is a martini bar and chinese food after. This is really a challenge to my healthy streak.

2 Responses to “After an over-indulget month on a health kick”

  1. snafu Says:

    If you stick to the vegetables like bean sprouts & bok choy, Chinese foods can be the healthiest of ethnic foods. However, American Chinese style food isn't similar to China whose dishes are regional. What province? what city will you visit? Good on your working out 4 of 6 days, you'll get back to ideal weight in no time.

  2. Nika Says:

    Snafu, sorry I meant last summer. We went to Nanjing and than few cities in Hei Long Jiang province.

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