Home > I am working, DH is a stay at home dad for now.

I am working, DH is a stay at home dad for now.

August 1st, 2011 at 04:50 pm

For the next 2 months.

It is a complete role reversal after 9 months of me staying at home.
I am having an easier time being back to work. I even like my commute -- 1 hr door to door, split between train and walking.
I'm working only 6 hour days right now (but getting paid as if I am working full time). This arrangement is my employer's way of accommodating nursing mothers of infants under 1.

DH is griping and he is tired all the time now. (and he is not one of those lazy dads at all, he helped me enormously when I stayed home).
But taking care of the little one full time is not easy. And they do have a great bond and he is as crazy careful with the baby as I am.
And I do understand him being tried and cranky -- I've been there.

Little one is amazing -- sweet, patient, happy (most days), curious.... He is so good natured I don't know how I got so lucky. But he is also very attached to us (he always got so much attention) and so unless he is sleeping, it is impossible to even have some food.

I look forward to getting home and taking him. Little guy gets so happy and excited when I return. Screaming "aaa, aah" waving his hands trying to jump cute.

1 Responses to “I am working, DH is a stay at home dad for now.”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    I hope your DH enjoys his time with your little one and being a SAHD. DH wants to do that too, but it looks like it won't be possible with our first, atleast.

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