February 23rd, 2008 at 08:06 pm
From my landlord that is. Who goes ballistic at such things. And since he does not speak much English, it would be impossible to explain to him that it takes less water to use the machine than to wash everything by hand under the running water.
It is a small machine that will go on the counter top.
I just can't live like this anymore.

So I am getting it, and if the landlord is scheduled to come in, I'll move it to the bedroom for that day. I don't feel unethical about this deception -- I will be using less water! and I'll have one little comfort of civilization.
Is that too much to ask?
Posted in
February 20th, 2008 at 08:39 pm
On one hand, buying stocks (in mutual funds) is best when the price is low, not after it has been booming.
On the other hand, it is not for the faint hearted.
Yet, the interest rate for safe CD savings is so small you can't keep up with the inflation and the loss of purchasing power.
So what should those who can only invest a little do? Considering that retirement is quite far away, just take the risk?
I'm looking at things like commercial real estate. It has also been significantly down, even though the forclosure crisis did not affect it as much. Is it just consumer confidence? Is this a good time to buy it cheap? Will it go back up long-term? Almost definitely yes.
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February 8th, 2008 at 04:48 pm
The weather is so warm, and stores have colorful spring collections out. It is so tempting - warm air, new vibrant colors.
I want to start the season with something new - last years spring/summer stuff now feels so drab. (I was into ivory/brown/beige/white colors back than) Now I am into bold colors - deep vibrant reds, pastel greens, bright yellows, blue.
And I want a few new office pieces. One does gets tired wearing the same thing over and over.
You get an energy burst by wearing something totally different.
The trick is to buy few great things and not get carried away. I wish I could know if the shirt I am seeing will be the best one I'll see this month. Unfortunately, it does not work that way.
Posted in
February 5th, 2008 at 08:03 pm
my new $300 Cell phone lost
2 year contract just began.
DH wisdom tooth removed - $308
He has to wait until June to be put on my dental plan.
Teeth are just one of those things you have to take care of no matter what.
I am quite upset about the cell phone.
I had it in one store when going to the register, by the time I was in the second store I no longer had it. We went back, of course, but their camera only covered the register so nothing could be done. ;(((
How many times do I have to make my own coffee to make up for that one? this is depressing.
Posted in
February 4th, 2008 at 04:33 pm
$30 Lift ticket 1 (craigslist) reg price 61
$25 Lift ticket 2 (special deal) reg price 61
$30 our share of gas and tolls (mountain is 2.5-3 hrs away, depending on traffic) We went in a friends suv and shared the cost with 3 other people.
I did not rent a locker - I did not assess theft risk for my old sneakers and 2 sandwiches to be high. Just left them in a pile with other peoples stuff
$11 breakfast
$3.00 water
We brought lunches and water to the resort, as prices there are inflated.
Total: $99
For a full day of 2 adults skiing in our area it is quite good.
If we bought lift tickets at the window, got lunch there and drove by ourselves it would cost us:
$61+$61+$70+$30+$11 =$233 for 1 day.
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