April 21st, 2010 at 05:47 pm
My ultrasound on Monday showed that we are having spontaneous identical twins (no twins in our family history).
That would be enough to shock me, but this is now so secondary. There is a problem. Septated cystic hygroma in one of the babies. And they share the cord, which makes it more complicated.
In light of the results are going for CVS tomorrow - to test for Down Syndrome and few other most common chromosome defects.
I was so unprepared for this. at 3 month, with easy pregnancy, I expected to hear that everything is fine. We are both healthy, fairly young, with no family history, not overweight... I ate right, took supplements, maintained healthy lifestyle.
I don't believe in odds anymore. What were the odds of spontanous twins? what are the odds of having this problem with our health and family history... WTF is this???!!!
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April 16th, 2010 at 07:08 pm
I'm having my first ever ultrasound on Monday. I'll be 11 weeks.
It is a stressfull time - we just moved without much help, we are living out of boxes, and I had a cold for the last 2 weeks (it worries me, even though I did not have high fever) - it is the first trimester, after all.
I am excited and scared. It is a HUGE deal to us. We are not the "it happens" people.
This baby was discussed, planned, and it took almost a year after I went of birth control to get pregnant.
I really don't know what I am doing here, all I want is for a baby to be healthy and happy.
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April 15th, 2010 at 10:05 pm

We closed and moved.
Now we are living out of boxes, sleeping on an old futon and have no furniture (not even kitchen table). The bedroom set we ordered (our first furniture will come in Mid may).
No blinds, apartment is not painted, no work has been done on it. It is really tough.
We thought we'd have a month to work on the apartment, but because sellers could not close on time, we had to move in right away. (our old landlord has rented our apartment and we had to let new tenants move in). So now it is constant shopping to set up the place and boxes, boxes, boxes (that attract dust like crazy btw. Our living room is covered in primer only... Hard to describe that lifestyle to someone who has not done it. That is why I have not been posting lately - too much on my plate.
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