Home > First baby

First baby

April 16th, 2010 at 07:08 pm

I'm having my first ever ultrasound on Monday. I'll be 11 weeks.

It is a stressfull time - we just moved without much help, we are living out of boxes, and I had a cold for the last 2 weeks (it worries me, even though I did not have high fever) - it is the first trimester, after all.

I am excited and scared. It is a HUGE deal to us. We are not the "it happens" people.
This baby was discussed, planned, and it took almost a year after I went of birth control to get pregnant.

I really don't know what I am doing here, all I want is for a baby to be healthy and happy.

8 Responses to “First baby”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh wow, congratulations! I'm the same; we planned and discussed for a couple years before I even started trying.

  2. zetta Says:

    Congratulations! You're entering an exciting new phase of your life.

  3. ThriftoRama Says:

    Not too long ago I was in your boat. I have a two year old and a 5-month old. I don't think anyone feels prepared, no matter how much you talk about it first. Once it's game time and you can never go back, it's totally different. Just try to relax, and tell your OB about what you are afraid of. Mine really helped me cope with all of my anxieties and told me what to expect along the way. It really helped a lot.

  4. littlemama Says:

    When I was pregnant with my first I bought the book What to Expect when you're Expecting. Very informative book. Maybe check your library and Congratulations! Smile

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations and best wishes for the best outcome.

  6. guppy Says:

    Congratulations!! I'm in the same boat as you. Nervous but SO excited. I'm a little over 12 weeks along and happy to say the nausea and tiredness are starting to subside. Woohoo!

  7. baselle Says:


  8. whitestripe Says:

    that's so exciting! congratulations!

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