Home > In total shock. May loose both babies

In total shock. May loose both babies

April 21st, 2010 at 05:47 pm

My ultrasound on Monday showed that we are having spontaneous identical twins (no twins in our family history).

That would be enough to shock me, but this is now so secondary. There is a problem. Septated cystic hygroma in one of the babies. And they share the cord, which makes it more complicated.

In light of the results are going for CVS tomorrow - to test for Down Syndrome and few other most common chromosome defects.

I was so unprepared for this. at 3 month, with easy pregnancy, I expected to hear that everything is fine. We are both healthy, fairly young, with no family history, not overweight... I ate right, took supplements, maintained healthy lifestyle.

I don't believe in odds anymore. What were the odds of spontanous twins? what are the odds of having this problem with our health and family history... WTF is this???!!!

26 Responses to “In total shock. May loose both babies”

  1. jillybean Says:

    I am so sorry you are having to go through this---saying a prayer and sending a hug. Take care.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    I am so sorry for the news! (HUGS)

    If it's any consolation, my experience has been that Doctors like to prepare you for the worst case, and scare the hell out of you. I don't understand what the point is. Do they understand how hormonal pregnant moms are???

    I will hope the same for you - that they are dead wrong. I hope they tell you your babies are healthy. Not that I Want you to be in denial, but I was told similar things about my perfectly healthy baby, as were MANY other moms I know. Hang in there!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    ((Hugs)) Tears ((Hugs)) Stay as positive as you can, pray for a miracle (maybe some little angel is in there making some changes), and know that whatever happens you can handle this. ((Hugs))

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh, Nika. That's so scary! Agreed with everyone above. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best. Please let us know what happens!!

  5. Ima saver Says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you.

  6. retire@50 Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope for the best for you and the children.

  7. mrs Says:

    What sad and scary news to hear. I am sorry that you're going through this. Prayers for your and the babies' health. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  8. whitestripe Says:

    I will be keeping you guys in my thoughts today Nika.

  9. NJDebbie Says:

    You are in my thoughts. I'm so sorry you are going through this.

  10. Broken Arrow Says:

    That's terrible. I can't think of much worse than something like this. Please take care and keep us updated.

  11. Miclason Says:

    ((hugs)) Sorry you have to go through this. I will ad my prayers for your family!

  12. Frugaltexan75 Says:


  13. baselle Says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. I'm sending positive thoughts to you. Take care - we are here for you!

  14. Shiela Says:

    So sorry that you have to go through this.

  15. princessperky Says:

    So sorry to hear the trouble.

  16. nance Says:

    Hope things turn out well for the babies. Monkey Mama is right about doctors scaring expectant moms. My oldest daughter was told by her doctor and a team of "experts" that her fetus had a hole in his heart. She cried for five weeks, until she could see a pediatric heart specialist. He said the baby's heart was fine, and it was.
    Just ten days ago my younger daughter's doctor told her she could not detect a heartbeat, and that chances were that the fetus was not alive. She cried for ten days and had a repeat ultrasound, and the baby's heart was beating at the rate that was right on for the gestational age. Hang in there and pray for a good outcome.

  17. Homebody Says:

    Prayers sent for your family.

  18. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Prayers coming your way. We have 2 sets of twins 22 yrs and 11 yrs, and I lost one set of twins in 1995 due to being hit by a drunk driver. Monkey Momma is right--they scare you with twins. Got none of the scary stuff with my single birth. Just take good care of yourself and pray!

  19. Analise Says:

    I will be praying for you and your babies. Please take care.

  20. bestmeicanbe Says:

    I am so sorry to hear of the difficulties you are facing. Try to be strong and realize that all of this is in God's hands, and all you can do is just be strong and try and think positively.

    Just focus on healing and taking care of yourself.

    My thoughts and my prayers go out to you and your family. We are all sending you strength and love and support.

  21. pjmama Says:

    I cant imagine getting that sort of news. I send my hugs, love, and prayers your way as well. I'm with the others hoping that the doctors are just prepping you for the worst, and that everything turns out alright. Take care, hun.

  22. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    keep us up to date as you are able

  23. Nika Says:

    Thank you guys for all the good wishes!

    I had the CVS (placential biopsy) done. It went well - I am not having any dangerous symptoms from it.

    The preliminary results (for 5 most common chromosome defects) are back - they are clean. So now we still don't know what is causing the hygroma, but have ruled out chromosomal defect.

    We are waiting to see if it resolves by itself - in which case my odds of baby having something wrong will be down to 5% (still higher than normal, but much better than 50% I had before). But if the hygroma does not resolve, the prognosis for that baby is still not good. I will have another ultrasound and fetal echo done in about 3 weeks.

  24. ceejay74 Says:

    Thank you for updating! I've been checking back frequently. Sounds promising, but I know you have a long worrying road still ahead of you. Hoping for a positive outcome!

  25. looking forward (sweetmama) Says:

    The test results sound reasuring thus far. Take very good care of you right now! Best wishes!

  26. Miclason Says:

    ((hugs)) Good news so far. We will keep praying for your family! Take care and try to relax (I know, I know, MUCH easier said than done!)

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