Home > Panhandling and other things that bug me on the subway

Panhandling and other things that bug me on the subway

February 28th, 2007 at 05:59 pm

Most mornings there is a panhandler (different ones) on the train. And often in the evenings as well. Asking for money to get by.
I almost never give (occasionally give to those on the station whose music is really nice, but not to those going through a train.) They look like they could and should be working. I am on a train going to work to earn money! They are not.

Another thing that bugs me on a subway is really fat people who take up two seats(I'm not exaggerating) in rush hour. Their numbers are increasing. I somehow feel they should be charged double fare. My ride is an hour and a half, and the train is full. A person should only be allowed to take up one seat and be fined if they take 2, for whatever reasons. But in our politically correct society it will hever happen. Grr.

I guess I am being really uncharitable today.

4 Responses to “Panhandling and other things that bug me on the subway”

  1. honeichild Says:

    ROFLOL. One of the things I don't miss about Chicago. Not a train ride went by without someone seeking something.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I have never even seen anything like that!!

  3. living_in_oz Says:

    Since I live in a rural area we don't have trains or subways. The panhandlers usually sit out in the Wal-Mart parking lot holding signs. I always wonder why, if they are so desparate for money they aren't knocking on doors and asking for work. Most churches and business in our area will let beggars do little jobs to earn a little cash. I know some people think we should always help those out who are in need, but, most of these people are addicts and they are just looking for money for their next high. It's sad but true.

  4. Carolina Bound Says:

    Panhandlers and obese people make me sad. I feel so sorry for them, even if they made bad choices that got them there.

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