Home > splurges today

splurges today

April 20th, 2007 at 08:52 pm

I was able to help my mom pay for grandfathers funeral. This is what the emergency fund is for. This was an emergency. Unfortunately, due to work I could not fly over on such short notice. Frown

I am out of control today:

Breakfast at Starbucks -- 7.11

Lunch -- eel over rice and a japanese cream puff 9.18

Stopover at Godiva $25

Whatever I felt like, I got. I felt "I can afford it, so why not?". Maybe saving more is not THAT important...

But I did not enjoy the food as much as I thought I would.

1 Responses to “splurges today”

  1. baselle Says:

    I'm sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself, but stay strong in saving your money. Spending to ease your grief gets expensive! Frown

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