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Work parties with lots of drinking :)

September 20th, 2007 at 11:19 pm

Our work parties are often full of liquer. Champagne, wine, jin, rum, whiskey, black lable stuff, cognac...
(Boss provides from his stash)

It is a fun (especially if you start at 3). But I cannot imagine this being done in a normal American town, where employees get into their cars and drive home. I don't even know how people go out to bars and clubs in those areas.

NYC carless culture has its fun points.

I am still at work, stuffed with gourmet goodies, finishing my drink. It is an expensive scotch. I don't like it so much -- but honestly trying to discover what is it that people love about it. I know it is an aquired taste, I guess I did not aquire it yet. I love coktails. But since it is not an option at work, I should stick with the wine next time. But I have that rule that new things should be tried. So I taste new lables. Smile

3 Responses to “Work parties with lots of drinking :)”

  1. ihate2work Says:

    we do this in LA also, but we draw straws for DD

  2. maismom Says:

    Oh, I know what you mean. I used to work in Tokyo, so it was the same. Go out for drinking, karaoke, catch a cab, and go home.

    Now I live in CA suburbia, and there's no public transportation, means I have to drive. I don't go drinking anymore unless it's my neighbor's house where I can walk LOL

  3. fern Says:

    I have always lived in suburbia and so a car-less culture so near by still seems so hard for me to imagine. I do walk to work, but that's extremely unusual, and you have to otherwise drive everywhere. The only publc transportation is for seniors i think.
    My town doesn't have a commuter train station, either, tho you can catch one in neighboring towns.

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