Home > Buying "want" items wisely

Buying "want" items wisely

October 4th, 2007 at 04:46 pm

I think that spending (within reason) on things you like has its place.

The trick is to buy something you won't regret, will wear/use a lot.
An item you feel happy about every time you put it on.
Buying 1-2 items each month, even if more expensive, is a lot better to me than buying a lot of junk just because it was on sale. (Sales are great, I always look out for them, but... not worth it unless you were going to buy that item anyway).

But when you make a right selection, and just love your "want" purchase, it gives pleasure for a long, long time - not just the day you bought it. I feel I get a lot more satisfaction out of my purchases than some of my friends who constantly buy piles of stuff.

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