Home > 0% for a year excuse

0% for a year excuse

October 15th, 2007 at 01:07 am

My aunt just bought a camcorder that she cannot afford(but she obviously does not think so). I can't even be happy for her.
I was hoping she'd do more to get rid of her cc debt, but she keeps up with us in her lifestyle (often buying things I just bought -we live very close) She makes a lot less.

I've had personal finance discussions with her before, and I don't think they helped.
She says "but it is no interest for a year, its a great deal!" very happily.

She full-heartedly believes that buying stuff on credit is "the American way of life". And if it is no interest offer, than there is no reason not to buy what she wants now.

She has no retirement savings, but I cannot bring that up as an argument - she will get angry and resentful.

1 Responses to “0% for a year excuse”

  1. mbkonef Says:

    I can understand how you feel. My DH and I try to be pretty frugal and have a nice, but not fancy house. His oldest brother and his wife always spent everything they made and then some and have a tiny condo that his wifes parents bought for them when they could not get a mortgage in their own names due to bad credit. His brother passed away 2 years ago and left some insurance money to his wife (about $90,000). She has nothing left - bought herself a brand new car because she "deserved it", redid the whole condo, bought new furniture etc. Now, 2 years later she is over 50, has absolutely no retirement savings or regular savings and is still living paycheck to paycheck. We feel sad for her but more sad that she just never seems to learn.

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