Home > Maybe they should get cancer!

Maybe they should get cancer!

April 2nd, 2008 at 09:33 pm

I am about to break down. I have been on the phone continuosly since 10:30 am calling my aunt's employer and her health insurance company.

All of it to get them to send a fax - that would take them 10 seconds! I need this desperately, as my aunt is supposed to start her second round of chemo therapy. (her first one got interrupted because they did not send the information).

So now, they are transferring insurance for everybody and they "lost" my aunt. So now she has no insurance. They say it will just take time until everyone is transferred to the new system. SHE DOES NOT HAVE TIME! She has to go to chemo tomorrow. She is in stage 4. She is in pain, her hair is coming out. And they have her information, and I got them the fax # of the insurance company and I alerted insurance company's supervisor... but are transferring it from one person to another and still nothing is done!

Supervisors do not pick up the phone, after holding for 30 minutes I get a voicemail, and calls never get returned. No ones direct extension is ever given out...

I was nice, diplomatic, calm, reasonable for the first 6 hours. I am about to loose it. I am so desperate and so outraged. A person is suffering fighting for their life, and I cannot get anyone to spend few seconds to send a fax (that was their responsibility in the first place) or to even pick up the phone! What kind of human beings are they? I can't comprehend that.

I am on the phone all day today, I have done nothing at work, and I can't stop crying now.

4 Responses to “Maybe they should get cancer!”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    Call again and demand to speak to a suprvisor. Call the place where your aunt is having chemo and explain the situation. Call and keep calling. Good luck! Your aunt is lucky to have you, sweet girl!

  2. JanH Says:

    Wow, you'd think the Human Resources person at her employer would take over for you and get this done right away. This is someone's life we're talking about--not elective surgery. Prayers to you both.

  3. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Call the Insurance Commissioner in the state that they are located in.

    Does your local area have a TV station with an
    action line that would advocate on your behalf?

  4. homebody Says:

    My heart goes out to you both. Can you go to aunt's employer's office in person? Prayers said for you both.

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