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OK, now this is ridiculous!

May 21st, 2009 at 09:31 pm

Now, I am a person who appreciates the beauty and quality of stylish clothing, superb-quality shoes and unique accessories...

However, there must be some price-to-quality ratio.

I am not a Target shopper - I visit nice boutiques, see and compare quality and style and sometime score nice items from brands such as Escada at 90% off, and sometimes find very nice things at designer sample sales... and once in 6 month pay full price for an Anne Fonaine white shirt...

But when I saw these online I just could not help thinking how ridiculous it is:

Hair clip

$ 460.00

lace brooch

resin collar (I guess I don't always get high style)


A decade ago my mom would buy a Chanel jacket (much better creation than the above) for this price.

Same trend is evident with many other designers. Many names, once they became popular in the US for some reason drastically reduce quality while raising the price tenfold. I don't know how to explain it.

Luxury used to really mean high quality items, and ironically it was cheaper. Now luxury just means "expensive".

I remember a really luxurious splurge in college - $500+ leather italian knee-high boots. The leather was superb, thin,soft, stetchy, it fit like a glove, beautiful... They looked amazing. (not very practical with 4" heel, but that is another point).

Now for $500 you get junk. Somehow things are made worse and worse, It is all about the name.

It used to be that the NAME had worth because of quality. Why did consumer choose to allow this disconnect by continuing to buy things that, in my opinion, just insulting our intelligence.

Designer name and high price is not a guarantee that the item really is "luxury".

6 Responses to “OK, now this is ridiculous!”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    How odd. Hey, that collar looks like a sun visor.

  2. Analise Says:

    You couldn't pay me $1196 to wear that bizarre collar, but that white hair bow is cute (maybe for a young girl). I would NEVER pay that price, though!

  3. denaf Says:

    Maybe it is because I am a Target shopper, but this is crazy. I bought a cute bow that matched a dress for my 2 year old for $3 the other day and felt guilty knowing she would probably only wear to church. I guess knowing that someone would pay $460 for one should make me feel better, but for some reason it doesn't.

  4. L Saver Says:

    I completely agree -- now the price is to buy the brand, not the article of clothing. It's too bad.

  5. lizajane Says:

    Phew! I had to be restrained to keep from buying all three!! I just saved $2,596. Smile

  6. whitestripe Says:

    well i am a bit of both, a target shopper and luxury brands. but i do agree, that is a bit ridiculous. what's even more ridiculous is that there ARE people out there that pay that price. it makes me sad to think of other things they could do with that money instead...

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