Home > The 100 points game

The 100 points game

September 1st, 2009 at 08:53 pm

It is like a financial drinking game.

Any day the DOW is down more than 100 points by 2:50 pm I manually add $100 or $150 to a mutual fund(besides the auto invest for the ROTH) to buy shares based on that day's clothing price.

I look up which sector is falling and try to put it there. Like if commodity prices are down, I'll put that $100 into the fund that is heavily invested in commodities. (those will go back up eventually)

So by the end of the day it makes me feel a tiny bit better that I bought more shares with the money and I dollar cost average.

The mutual funds that I funded in this manner are right now up 20% above what I invested. The funds where I put in lump sum are, naturally, down.

This approach also keeps me from getting caught up in mass elation when things are going well.

1 Responses to “The 100 points game”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Well, yeah, that's not that bad of a strategy.

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