Home > What the world eats - one week's worth of food

What the world eats - one week's worth of food

September 22nd, 2009 at 07:58 pm

I just came across this slide show on MSN money:

North Carolina
Cost of a week's worth of food: $377.20
This is 1 photo from an 11 photo slide show (I don't think this family is eating very healthy).

I also have problem with the figure for China. I think they are featuring an upper middle class family, because you can eat out every meal for less than that amount. (I studied in China for 6 month and visit for 1 month every 2 years.)

But in any case, I thought this was an interesting concept.

Maybe we all should take pictures of our week's worth of groceries and tally the cost.

9 Responses to “What the world eats - one week's worth of food”

  1. kimiko Says:

    So much junk food in the US family's picture and I agree with you on the China picture.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    I've seen this before - and it was very interesting!

    This is the reason I don't often understand the "junk food is cheaper" sentiment. $377/week on FOOD? Seriously? That's just insane. I am not a health food nut, but holy cow that is a lot of crappy food! We can eat like kings for $150 per week, personally.

    It would be interesting to see bloggers' shopping habits, though it would be pretty difficult to separate out one week of food. For me anyway, but definitely a good idea!

  3. tightwad kitty Says:

    I have this book out from our library at the moment it s a very interesting read. I would love to find how the poorer ones made with these supplies. Some have a recipe that could be made with their weeks supply but not all.

  4. whitestripe Says:

    i have seen this before and want to buy the book. and yes, i have been thinking about taking a picture too, i think it would be very interesting. i won't be able to for two weeks, but i do intend to! Smile

  5. whitestripe Says:

    also, i meant to add, it astounds me how much of a small portion of the above familys weeks worth of food is fresh fruit and vegetables. it seems like a speck in between all the junk food. Frown so yes! i think i will do our weeks worth of food, it will be VERY different!

  6. Nika Says:

    I don't think I'd be able to photograph 1 week's food in one shot, like they do in this book.

    I don't shop once a week, I pick up fresh produce on my way from work, and often the day that I plan to cook it.
    Fresh fish for example, also herbs, bread, berries.

    So it would, at best, be several pictures over the course of the week. Not as "neat" as having all of it in one shot.

    I would love to borrow that book from the library, but unfortunately library in our area has hours that don't allow anyone who is working full time to use it.

  7. whitestripe Says:

    that's true, there is a lot of stuff i buy daily too. i would have to take some individual shots.

  8. Broken Arrow Says:

    I've see that before, but it never gets old.

  9. koppur Says:

    Amazing how much fresh produce Mexico had!! I wish we could get fresh produce like that for that low cost! We do a lot of canned and frozen stuff since it is so much cheaper.

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