Home > September spending totals

September spending totals

October 1st, 2009 at 03:17 am

rent $994
electric $77
gas $12.94
medical $78
health $49

groceries $417
Lunch me $67.77
Lunch DH $90.68
eating out $172.2

pets $23.87
clothing $213
accessories $64
stuff for house $415

gifts for myself $300 (down lounging jacket and slippers, pillow case)
(from Bday money, so not counting towards the total)

car repair $46
gasoline $165.05
ezpass $275
parking meter $26

grooming $65.54
laundry $10
dry clean $39

Eve online $73.84
itunes $6.48
gifts $313
Donation $70

Life insurance $834.06
DMV $78.5
ski vacation deposit $138
ROTH $410


I did well in some areas, not so good in others.

Eating out - we did beautifully. Went out only few times.

OK on groceries and eating out. We could do better.

We did not go on a weekend out of town.
DH travelled for work a good amount, so auto expenses are low.

We took care of some necessary misc. expenses.
Home category was too high.

Clothing spending is less than usual, but still over the budget I would have if we bought our own place.

4 Responses to “September spending totals”

  1. Analise Says:

    Your rent is very reasonable for NYC. Are you in a rent-controlled apartment?

  2. Nika Says:

    No, we live far into Brooklyn. And our rent is below average for our area. Our apartment is also not large - maybe 700-750sf.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Nice to get an overview of what you have going on and very helpful to setting new goals and priorities. Good going!

  4. whitestripe Says:

    can i ask: what is rent controlled? i first heard it on sex & the city and have no idea what it means... Big Grin

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