Home > Instead of doing takeout we made a new dish.

Instead of doing takeout we made a new dish.

September 30th, 2011 at 07:13 pm

We had almost nothing in the fridge yesterday. Our moms have not visited for a long time (my since Sunday and DH's was out of the country for 3 weeks) so we did not go out grocery shopping since Sunday. (It is hard to get out shopping with the baby on a weekday -- by the time I get home it is almost time for baby to sleep).

And since we only cook fresh food we can only shop for a few days at a time.
Meats and produce don't last longer than that, and I don't know, I have something against freezing. Never done it, no one in my family ever did it, and even if irrational, frozen is not equals fresh to me. It associates with "very old" in my mind. I tried to freeze few times, but than I could never ever bring myself to use it. I just ended up throwing it out.

Anyhow, instead of ordering Indian or something like that, DH realized that we have ingredients for a recipe he has been meaning to try -- spicy stir-fried Japanese eggplant and cucumber.
He saw it in NYT and thought he'd give it a try.

And after the baby went to sleep he made it. We had it as a main dish, it was delicious and healthy. I am glad we did not go out.
Next step will be trying Fish-flavored eggplant, I loved this dish when we lived in Sichuan during one of our semesters abroad, but here in the restaurants it inevitably disappoints.

3 Responses to “Instead of doing takeout we made a new dish.”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I don't freeze anything either, except things like ice cream. We haven't eaten frozen meats in over 27 years.

  2. baselle Says:

    My freezer's a frugal tool, but I have to admit that part of it is that we saw our parents cook from one. Also you probably don't want to know this but all beef is aged in a .... freezer. Wink

  3. Nika Says:

    I am fairly sure I can't dry-age beef in my freezer, like leaving cheese in a fridge until it turns moldy won't make it Stilton.

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