Home > Baby's fever 105.3

Baby's fever 105.3

January 14th, 2012 at 04:40 am

I'm going crazy. Talked to the doctor, not sure if we should drag him to the ER yet. Gave some acetaminaphen and are now waiting a little longer to see if it will come down. If not, than we are going to the ER. Poor thing, he was only fine for 2 days. Went to daycare and here we are again. But his fever was never that high before!

10 Responses to “Baby's fever 105.3”

  1. baselle Says:

    Get him to the ER. The rule that I know about is anything 104 and above for any length of time is ER time.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I agree with baselle that fever is dangerously high

  3. Campfrugal Says:

    Definitely an ER visit and please let us know how the baby is doing.

  4. DeniseNTexas Says:

    I agree that a fever like that is simply too high! If he runs fever again, give Motrin or whatever it is you have then a lukewarm bath. It really does help and it can bring the fever down quickly while you're waiting to hear from a doctor.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    I hope things are well or better this morning for your little one.

  6. MonkeyMama Says:

    I hope he is okay!

    You wonder if thermometers are just more accurate in this day and age. My niece and a co-worker both sported 105 temps recently. Just to say they both are perfectly fine - I don't even think niece was advised by Doctor to go to ER. IT sounds horrific though!

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    Such high fevers can cause seizures. I hope you took him in.

  8. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I hope you got got him to ER. He is not that old under 12 months so that is a high temperture for a baby as dehydration set in more quickly with a baby.

    Do let us know how he is.


  9. Nika Says:

    Update: we talked to the doctor twice last night and based on what she told us it was decided not to go.

    She said that 105ish is by itself not reason enough to go to the ER, that is is not yet dangerous for him and won't cause any brain/organ damage. The baby is 14.5 month old. He was peeing and pooping fine, which was a good sign. He also wanted to rest and waiting for hours at the ER may be stressful for him.

    Acetamenaphen brought down the fever to 102 in about an hour or so, and he was better. This morning he was much better. Still fever, but not that high, and he did want to play around and go about his baby business.

    We took him to the doctor today and had him examined. Dr says it is viral, and he will probably still have fever tonight (he does) and it is more about how he behaves than what his fever is. "If he did not have 105 fever but was behaving the way he is behaving now, would you be thinking about taking him to the ER? If not, than you don't need to take him." Another Dr. also said that it can be 5-6 hour wait in ER, as there will be 30 babies with 105 fever.

    So right now it is 105.1. It just shot up an hour ago. He is sick, but alert, trying to play, drinks milk, even ate a little soup. We gave him medicine to bring down fever and are holding him in our arms entire time. He is either resting on my chest or in DH's arms. That comforts him and we will know if he gets worse.

  10. baselle Says:

    I'm going to stand by my concern and congratulate you on your alertness. Yes, while high fever alone isn't enough, listlessness (which can be masked by sleep and the relief that a parent feels when the child grows quiet) and high fever are the symptoms of many, many, many bad outcomes. And remember that 105 is high for an older child or an adult. Don't let the medical establishment pooh-pooh your concern.

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