Home > Came this close to being swindled out of $375

Came this close to being swindled out of $375

January 29th, 2012 at 05:10 am

DH took the car for routine maintenance at the dealership. He asked them to check why one tire loses air quicker than the other ones.

He was told that there is a nail in the side wall of the tire, and that it will cost $375 to replace the tire ($250 for the tire, $125 for labor). He asked if they could patch it up, they said the nail is in the side wall and it can't be done. He tried to bargain to lower the price a little, but they would not budge.

So he decides to order the tire himself online and see if he can get the labor cheaper in a local auto repair shop. DH estimates we could save close to $100. He also asked for a second opinion.

The local place showed where the nail was (NOT in the side, though close to it) and said they can repair it with no problem. So we ended up paying only $26.

That is a big relief. Again, we are reaffirmed in our belief that unfortunately people in the dealership are crooks at all levels and services Frown.

And the thing is, if they went down in price to even $300-$320 DH probably would have done it and never would have known they lied to him.

4 Responses to “Came this close to being swindled out of $375”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    wow. Good thing you got the second opinion. Its bothersome that the first place was going to charge so much...probably want to avoid them in the future...

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Frankly, if you went to the dealership for *routine maintenance* you probably got swindled anyway. Dealerships tend to be quite a ripoff when it comes to auto maintenance. As you can see from the tire experience.

  3. Nika Says:

    Monkey mama, we have a new car -- maintenance for the first two years is free.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Man--Did you call the dealer and tell them how you feel? I'd be so tempted to tell them--and everyone else i know!

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