Home > We got upgraded! But freaking out about flying with baby on Sat.

We got upgraded! But freaking out about flying with baby on Sat.

March 23rd, 2012 at 01:59 am

So now I'll be in first class with a 17 month old baby. I'll be the person everyone will hate because the baby will probably cry as he does not know how to equalize his ears. I don't know how we will get through this whole trip and to enjoy it.

Tonn of packing to do now, laundry, cleaning up... stuff at work tomorrow. The day before the vacation is always stressful. At least, normally, when we start vacation we relax. This time, I don't have a clue of how things will be. I'm so sleepy.

4 Responses to “We got upgraded! But freaking out about flying with baby on Sat.”

  1. Saving For a Rainy Day Says:

    Have a safe and fun vacation!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    I love traveling with my kid. Our first trip was a weekend road trip when she was 3 months old, then a plane ride when she was 4 months old. First international trip when she was 7 months old!

    It's definitely not as all-out self-indulgent and relaxing as our pre-baby vacations, but it's so nice exploring the world with her.

    Even though it seems overwhelming to think about at first, I always just try to approach it with a "we can do it, it's gonna be great" outlook. Then when little things go wrong, let it go, bounce back, and relax.

    Good luck!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Not sure if this is a myth, but I thought a sucking on a bottle or a pacifier helped the baby to swallow and thus help with the ears. Good luck!! Think positive.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    We brought a long a sippy cup when we travelled with our toddler and had her drink during the pressure changes. It did help and she barely fussed at all. Just make sure you have plenty to keep your child entertained. We put clear shelf paper on a piece of cardboard and brought along a travel play-doh set she could play with on it, a coloring book, a small dry-erase board, her favorite stuffed animal tied to her backpack so it couldn't be lost, and a couple of travel sized Polly Pockets. She didn't get bored and the staff complimented her on being a well-behaved baby. The six-year-old behind us, on the other hand, whined the entire flight!

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