Home > Weekend was all about baby

Weekend was all about baby

September 4th, 2012 at 10:00 pm

As pretty much all of them Smile

Thursday - Bronx Zoo

Friday - Children's museum

Saturday - Swimming pool and dancing -- place where we had dinner had a live band and the little one was dancing and dancing. It is so funny to see a 20 month old dance -- he jumps and twirls, and does sit-ups while trying to dance with his hands. He'd twirl until he looses balance and plops on his butt laughing, and that gets up and does it again. So happy.

Sunday - Brunch at a friends house and and Children museum again

Monday - Muscoot farm in Westchester - he saw some farm animals -- cows, goats, pigs, chickens, sheep, donkeys, turkeys. They don't keep those at the zoo, so it was good for him to see real farm animals, not just pictures in books.

We spend most of our days outside. Therefore we ended up going out for many meals (we can keep him entertained until our meal comes by doing puzzles with him on an ipad -- he loves it, he is so proud whenever he finishes one!)

Today -- we are back to work, but my mom had a day off and she is spoiling him right now. She cooks delicious dinners and takes him out to the playground and to ride his tricycle.
We are going to Westchester after work to buy LO a Thomas and Friends railroad set from a craigslist ad -- we agreed on $250, and it would be close to three times that if bought new. I hope it is in good condition.

Tomorrow and Thursday I guess he is going to have to go to daycare. But this Friday I'm off again and on Monday his second grandma will come to stay with him while DH is working from home. So he will have another 4 days of full attention. We are both working full time, so we do what we can.

2 Responses to “Weekend was all about baby”

  1. Homebody Says:

    I'm sure the grandmas love it. I just spent 2 weeks with my 4-year old. It was exhausting, but I loved it! Unfortunately she lives a 12 hour drive or 2 hour flight, but better than what it was 3 months ago when she lived on the East Coast (I am on the West Coast).

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Sounds like you keep your kid pretty busy! That is great!

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