It would be hundreds (if not a thousand of dollars to pay someone to do it.
We need to fix this ourselves, but do it properly. Can anyone advise us how?
Tile from the bath fell out when I pulled off baby's bath toy that was attached by a suction cup! When I tried to clean up stuff under tiles, more of them came loose (I think the whole lower section is loose).
The tiles are affixed by some brown stuff (can be cleaned off) to some white stuff (which is REALLY brittle and crumbles off) Underneath the white brittle cardboard-like stuff there is earth like soft stuff.
I know I can't put tile adhesive directly on the earth-like stuff. So what do I do?
For now, I covered it with tape and plastic so we can use the bath, but it is not a good solution. (it is starting to get moldy under the tape). So I need to fix this ASAP. Can anyone tell us how???
Thank you!
Any construction experts here? Help!
November 1st, 2012 at 05:21 pm
November 1st, 2012 at 05:34 pm 1351791270
I hope that helps! It took a guy about 5 days to do our shower/bath over five years ago. We paid $700 and used basic tile.
Good luck!!
November 1st, 2012 at 06:08 pm 1351793321
The layers of matieral goes like this: tile, mortar, cement "backer board", drywall (for wet areas) then the 2X4 framing of your room.
I agree with CCFree, you are probably going to need to re-do the lower tiles. There are plenty of YouTube how-to videos or a free tiling class at home improvement stores.
Good luck!
November 5th, 2012 at 08:16 pm 1352146575
This board thinks that greenboard is a cheap solution which is not waterproof and that cement board should be used.
My problem is how do I attach said cement board? I can manage to attach the tiles, but how do I attach it solidly to something that is brittle and crumbles?
Hiring a professional to do it is not really an option right now -- even if I want to spend over 1K, after the storm the demand for their services is huge, as people are in a desperate need to make their house livable. So this is minor in comparison.