Home > It is scary when you can't put gas in your car!

It is scary when you can't put gas in your car!

November 5th, 2012 at 08:11 pm

I never realized how dependent we are on our car until there was no gas. People are desperate to fill up, lines were close to 3 hours with constant the danger of running out before your turn.
People can't go to work, to school, to buy groceries. I live in an area where gas stations were working but gas is gone, because our neighbors in Westchester and NJ are out of power and all coming for gas to places where power is on and service stations are operational. It has been a week and on a weekend our thoughts were mostly occupied by different ideas on how and where one could get gas.

Last night DH drove out to Maryland for a business trip, on 1/3 of tank, hoping that he will get to a place far enough from NYC that has gas before he runs out. He researched locations off the turnpike, and had help from a colleague that has vacation house in South Jersey and knows the local area off the main turnpike route. He was able to get gas of exit 6! (something like 120miles away) It was such an enormous relief. He is fine there, and will come home with almost a full tank. My mom and my neighbors are afraid to leave for a gas station because if gas runs out before they fill up they wont be able to get back.
Driving is limited to absolute essentials and roads are getting more deserted every day. It is eery.

7 Responses to “It is scary when you can't put gas in your car!”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Was filling up the tank before the storm something you thought of? Were you able to do it? If there is a next time, what will you do differently?

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    It is indeed a very scary situation. Gas lines are getting better in New Jersey since Gov. Christie mandated the even/odd system. I'm not sure how economical your hubby's car is but gas stations in Morris County, NJ are not that bad. I hope everything gets better for all of us in our neck of the woods.

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    Perhaps Dh should fill up some gas cans before he comes home? Just in case. Smile

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Aging myself a little, but back in the late 70's this happened with no storm or warning...just one afternoon, all the stations shut down and gas was rationed for several weeks. VERY frustrating. Thank you for the reminder that keeping tanks at least half full is a good idea...although, a half tank in some areas wouldnt last very long. Here, that would be about a week for me.

    Best wishes to on the west coast are thinking about everyone on the east...

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I hope the situation improves for all of you soon!

  6. Nika Says:

    Of course our tank was almost full before the storm. So was my moms. But we had to use our gas. In NYC traffic, especially with detours of fallen trees on roads everywhere, it goes fast.
    There was no public transportation at first, so people had to drive to work.
    You guys probably don't imagine that it will take 3 hours to go 17 miles to work. Than back home in the evening. That was close to 6 hours of driving a day. And she had to go to work (works at the hospital).

    We had to get groceries, drove to child indoor place (parks were closed until recently and a toddler can only be cooped up in the apartment for so long), DH had to drive me to another train line from where I could get a train to Manhattan to get to work, so we ended up with 1/3 tank pretty fast.

    I thought about gas canisters before the storm too. But where do I want to keep them? In the kitchen? The bedroom? the living room? the baby's room? I did not like those choices. I did not want driving around with them with baby in the car either. Maybe I am irrational, but I didn't like that idea.

  7. Campfrugal Says:

    Glad you were able to get gas and hopefully your state's situation will start to improve. Such a horrible storm.

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