Home > The dangers of buying a shower curtain

The dangers of buying a shower curtain

February 8th, 2013 at 04:17 pm

When I wanted to replace a shower curtain, I realized that we don't have one. So I went to to order a pair. One for now one for next time. Than I realized we are low on toothpaste. And our toothbrushes need to be replace. Baby's too. Than remembered that we are low on baby's shampoo. Than, while searching for best shampoo I stumbled upon something else.

The end result? $105 for what was supposed to be a shower curtain and a toothpaste order.

6 Responses to “The dangers of buying a shower curtain”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Great shower curtain!

  2. Nika Says:

    I thought that was cool too. But I did not buy that one -- I have an impressionable 2 year old and I don't want him to be scared to go into the bathroom.

  3. rachel021406 Says:

    Well...hopefully you got all stuff you needed??? Did you go through Ebates so you could get cash back?

  4. twest Says:

    Love this post! It reminded me I need 2 new shower curtains for my bathrooms. Although I can't get one like this either. My coworker told me they also have rugs that are white and when you step out on them your feet leave marks that look like blood. The things they come up with. LOL

  5. Nika Says:

    Rachel, no I did not go through ebates, I went to shopdiscover. I get 10% cashback on a lot of merchants through Discover card (including and 5% cashback for almost all major ones if I click through shopdiscover. And it is very easy to redeem my cashback.

  6. rob62521 Says:

    Too funny...kind of like when I start dusting a room, then realize I need to clean out a drawer and then ...

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