I did the "financial statement" of all accounts snapshots on June 30, as I do almost every month, and compared to the end-of-year statement.
Our net worth increased over 75K in the last 6 months. That's an average of 12.5K per month. (And we don't even bring home close to this amount).
47K of this increase was in retirement savings
18K in our invested EF
10K in paid off debt (mortgage, student loan and car)
I'm not counting house equity or car equity in my calculations, as I have no accurate way of tracking them.
Majority of this net worth increase was from growth, not from additional savings. We were heavy in Apple, and made some good option calls, beating the market by a large margin.
Of course, we cannot count on this run ever replicating itself. And we will owe sizable additional taxes on realized gains. But I am pleased with ourselves for beating all personal records.
Net worth semi-annual statement.
July 7th, 2014 at 07:32 pm