Home > Learning more about taxes, still haven't learned salary.

Learning more about taxes, still haven't learned salary.

February 17th, 2015 at 03:32 pm

This weekend was spend on taxes. Re-calculating MAGI, than learning all we can about IRA re-characterization, back door ROTH steps and dangers, etc... Well, my DH was doing that, while I was keeping our 4 year old entertained (which is also a job).

On the income side, we still don't know how much DH is getting paid for teaching 2 large classes this semester. The university is not very clear about that. Kind of depends by number of students, but not completely. There is no clear chart for in-person classes. The semester is well under way. It is kind of odd to be accepting jobs without knowing the salary. DH did not want to call them until it was clear that they misses the first paycheck - which of course they did, as always! That place is insanely disorganized, in spite of being one of the top universities. So I don't completely trust them to calculate salary correctly. If you are not on top of them, they would not pay at all.

I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to know what you are getting paid for working.

2 Responses to “Learning more about taxes, still haven't learned salary.”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    My DH is teaching two classes, and the first paycheck has not come through. Normally they send an email a week in advance, but they have not even sent the email, much less the money. He wants to give them another week before calling them.

  2. Nika Says:

    He just called. Turns out HR had no idea he is even teaching this semester, even though he has 85 students registered for his class and it is way past the drop date. But apparently class registration system and HR system are not related in any meaningful way.

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